Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wind, Rain and Sun in Big Sky Country

What a day... we made it through Wyoming and well into Montana today. The views were amazing, but so was the sight of rain showers falling thousands of feet from the high clouds down to the road ahead of us. It started out chilly, got warm, then was really cold with the rain, then alternated between the two. Once we hit Montana it was very hot - low to mid 90s with a few places closer to 100 for short distances... Too bad I was stuck in my heavy coat for part of it! I couldn't wait to stop and get that rain suit off.

We are staying in a campground along I-90 in Reed Point, MT. We are right between the interstate and railroad tracks, as usual, but in this case the trucks and trains are drown out by the drunk people wandering around - there's some kind of event going on it the park by the river and everyone was apparently having a good time well before we got here. The live music is nice though, but one I put my ear-plugs in it
won't matter.

It was threatening to rain when we arrived this evening so we set up
our camp as fast as we could. I finally got to deploy the tent-cot in all it's glory, complete with the one-scooter garage and dog-trot porch. The wind gusted and it did rain for a little bit, but for the most part it was dry enough to sit outside and work on my laptop. The skeeter's weren't too bad either once I sprayed myself with DEET.

For the last two nights we've been able to eat at the campgrounds - Beef BBQ on Friday night right at our picnic table, and tonight was Pizza and beer at our picnic table... it's nice not to need to drive anywhere to eat after a day of driving!

Tomorrow we are heading into Canada, and will be half-way in distance to the Alaskan border, but not in travel time! We will be slowing things down and looking around once we get north of Edmonton, AB.

In the photos you can see our campsite, including a view inside my tent when I'm using the computer! Not much space, but enough... and all of my gear can sit outside at night since it's covered so at least I don't have to bring it in with me.

1 comment:

  1. did you notice the rainbow in the fourth picture? miss you guys love you a lot!
